
     slide show    -    June 2005    -    show selects

Chantal, Muni, Stephane and Mila at the tennis club in Geneva

Mila at bains des Paquis

Mila at bains des Paquis

Mila at bains des Paquis

Eloy at bains des Paquis

Eloy and Mila at bains des Paquis

Eloy and Mila at bains des Paquis

Eloy and Tim at bains des Paquis

Francoise and Mila in Crans-Montana

Sami in Crans-Montana

Genevoise end-of-school celebration - guards marching

Genevoise end-of-school celebration - kids marching

Band suspended by crane at Place Neuve for the end-of-school celebration

Ulysse and Mila in the end-of-school march

Ulysse and Mila in the end-of-school march

high dive at Geneve plage

Geneve plage

high dive at Geneve plage

high dive at Geneve plage

pool at Geneve plage

Grandvaux - between Lausanne and Montreux

Guy & Stephane in Crans-Montana

Lisa's 5th birthday party

Mary-Lou and kids at Lisa's 5th birthday party

Lisa's cake

Mila in Cully (below Grandvaux - between Lausanne and Montreux)

Mila drawing in the office

Mila and Eloy hiking in Jura

Mila and Eloy hiking in Jura

Mila, Eloy, Tim - and my shadow - hiking in Jura

Mila in Jura

Eloy and Mila in Jura

Tim and Eloy in Jura

Eloy and Mila hiking in Jura

Mila at cafe la Ferblanterie

Mila at cafe la Ferblanterie

Mila at cafe la Ferblanterie

Mila at forces mortrice

Mila in Grandvaux

Mila in Grandvaux

Mila in Grandvaux

Mila in Grandvaux

Mila in Grandvaux

Mila in Grandvaux

Mila in Crans-Montana

Mila in Grandvaux

Mila in Grandvaux

Mila wearing Alexandra's tutu at Lisa's 5th birthday

Mila in Crans-Montana

Mila in Crans-Montana

Mila in Crans-Montana

Mila and me at Plainpalais

Mila at the end-of-school festival

Mila at the end-of-school festival

Mila at her school's dance performance

Mila with my Graflex Pacemaker Speed Graphic

Mila in Crans-Montana

Mila at Place Neuve

Stephane, Sarah and Mila

Mila in my studio

Mila in my studio

Mila in my studio

Mila swimming

Mila at the tennis club

Mila in the vinyard in Crans-Montana

Mila in Grandvaux vinyards

self portrait in my studio

self portrait in my studio

self reflected in Roliflex lens caps

self shadow downtown Geneva

     slide show    -    June 2005    -    show selects